Nebulized milk exosomes loaded with siTGF-β1 ameliorate pulmonary fibrosis by inhibiting EMT pathway and enhancing collagen permeability | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Isolation and characterization of M-Exos

Exosomes have been remoted from uncooked milk by differential centrifugation strategies in accordance with beforehand established protocols [39, 40]. Briefly, contemporary milk underwent centrifugation at 5,000 × g for 20 min at 4 °C, adopted by a second centrifugation at 12,000 × g for 60 min at 4 °C to eradicate the remaining fats and particles. Then centrifuged (70,000 × g; 30 min; 4 °C) to take away the casein. The ensuing whey was filtered by way of 0.22-µm membranes and subjected to ultracentrifugation (100,000 × g; 90 min; 4 °C) utilizing an ultracentrifuge (Sorvall WX100+, Thermo, MA). The obtained precipitate was purified by centrifugation. The morphology of the exosomes was examined utilizing transmission electron microscopy (JEM-1230; JEOL, Tokyo, Japan). Diameter and particle variety of M-Exos have been decided utilizing a nanoparticle monitoring analyzer (NTA, Malvern Panalytical, UK), and protein quantification was carried out utilizing the BCA protein assay package (Cat. No. P0010, Beyotime, China). The exosome signature proteins CD63 (1:1000, Ab134045, Abcam, UK), ALIX (1:1000, ab275377, Abcam) and Tsg101 (1:1000, Ab125011, Abcam) have been was confirmed by way of western blot evaluation. Moreover, the soundness of M-Exos was assessed by NTA after a 48 h incubation at 37 °C in a barely acidic surroundings, which simulates lung situations (PBS with 10% Exosome-Depleted FBS One Shot TM (Gibco, A27208-03), pH 7.4 or 6.8) [41].

Preparation and identification of siRNA loaded-M-Exos

To introduce the siNC (Ahead: 5’- UUCUCCGAACGUGUCACGUTT-3’, Reverse: 5’-ACGUGACACGUUCGGAGAATT-3’) and siTGF-β1 (Ahead: 5’- CCCAAGGGCUACCAUGCCAACUUCU-3’, Reverse: 5’-AGAAGUUGGCAUGGUAGCCCUUGGG-3’) into M-Exo, electroporation, ultrasonic technique and the modified CaCl2 technique have been performed. For electroporation, 100 µg M-Exos have been proportionally combined with 200 pmol siRNA in 500 µL of PBS answer, and subjected to electroporated at 220 V, 10-ms pulse 3 times with an interval of two s utilizing Gene Pulser Xcell™ (BIO-RAD, USA) [42]. For ultrasonic technique, M-Exos and siRNA have been combined at a 1:5 (mass/mass) ratio in PBS. The on/off cycle was carried out 6 occasions for 30 s every of 30 W, with a 2-minute cooling interval between cycles. The pattern was incubated at 37 °C for 30 min after sonication (SCIENTZIID, Ningbo Scientz Biotechnology Co., Ltd.) [43,44,45]. For the modified CaCl2 technique, 200 pmol siRNA and 100 µg M-Exos have been combined in PBS, adopted by the addition of CaCl2 (100 mM). The combination was then chilled on ice for 30 min. it underwent a warmth shock at 42 °C for 60 s and was subsequently cooled on ice for five min [42, 46, 47]. The intratracheal quantitative drug supply machine was bought from Shanghai Yuyan Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd and primarily consisted of a nebulizing jet head and a high-pressure syringe. The morphology and diameter of M-siTGF-β1 have been verified by transmission electron microscope and NTA.

The encapsulation effectivity (EE%) was decided utilizing the Quant-iT™ RiboGreen™ RNA Assay Package (R11490, Invitrogen, USA). Briefly, M-Exo with siRNA is ready and nebulized as described above and the full and free RNA content material of the pattern is measured. Whole RNA is obtained by “breaking the emulsion” of the exosome pattern with an equal quantity of two% TritonX100 answer, and the fluorescence depth is measured utilizing an enzyme marker with excitation/emission at 480/520 nm.

Cell tradition

Bronchial epithelium (BEAS-2B) cells and human fetal lung fibroblast1 (HFL1) cells, acquired from the Chinese language Academy of Sciences (Shanghai, China), have been cultured below totally different situations: BEAS-2B cells have been propagated in DMEM with 10% FBS and 1% penicillin-streptomycin; HFL1 cells have been cultured in Ham’s F-12 Ok Medium with 10% FBS, 1% Glutamax, 1% non-essential amino acids, and 1% sodium pyruvate, equally at 37 °C and 5% CO2.

Institution of BLM-induced cell harm mannequin and siRNA loaded-M-Exos intervention

BEAS-2B cells have been subjected to BLM publicity (1 µg/mL) (Maokang Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Shanghai, China) for twenty-four h when the confluence reaches 80%. Following BLM therapy, the cells underwent subsequent therapy with M-Exo / bare siTGF-β1 / siNC loaded- M-Exo (M-siNC) / siTGF-β1 loaded-M-Exo (M-siTGF-β1) or PBS because the management group for subsequent 24 h.

Collagen barrier penetration assay in vitro

HFL1 cells have been inoculated in 24-well plates at 8 × 104 cells/effectively and cultured for twenty-four h. BLM (1 µg/mL) was added to induce HFL1 to kind a collagen barrier. After one other 24 h, the prevailing tradition medium was changed with fluorescently labeled M-Exo-DiR, FAMsiRNA and M-Exo-FAMsiRNA respectively. The cells have been incubated in darkness at 37 °C for various durations of 6 h, 12 h and 24 h. Fastened with 500 µL 4% paraformaldehyde in every effectively. DAPI reagent (100 µL) was used for nuclear staining. Excessive-resolution imaging of the handled cells was carried out utilizing a stay cell imaging system (Cytation, BioTek™, USA).

DiR was diluted 5-fold with 1×PBS to arrange a dye working answer at a focus of 100 µM. The dye working answer was added to the bovine milk exosome suspension, combined in a 1.5 mL centrifuge tube, combined by ultrasonication for 1 min, after which incubated at 37 °C for 30 min. After the response was terminated by putting the tube in a fridge at 4 °C, the liquid was transferred to an ultrafiltration centrifuge tube (30 kD), after which centrifuged at 3,500 rpm for 10 min. The higher layer of the liquid was rinsed a number of occasions with PBS after which centrifuged to present M-Exo-DiR.

Wound-healing assay

BEAS-2B cells have been inoculated in development medium at 1 × 105 cells/effectively in 24-well plates and handled with BLM for twenty-four h. Cells have been incubated with medium containing M-Exo /bare siTGF-β1 / M-siNC / M-siTGF-β1 and PBS, respectively, for one more 24 h. The monolayer cell was scraped utilizing pipette ideas, washed thrice with PBS. The migration of the cells was monitored with the microscope for 0 h, 12 h and 24 h after wounding.

Lysosomal escape

BEAS-2B cells have been inoculated in 24-well plates at 8 × 104 cells/effectively and cultured for twenty-four h. Cy5-siRNA (Gene Pharma Co. Ltd, Shanghai, China) labelled-Exos have been incubated with BEAS-2B cells. After a sure time, unabsorbed Exos have been washed off with PBS. Incubated with lysotracker inexperienced fluorescent probe (200 µL) at 37 °C for 30 min to stain the lysosomes, stained with Hochest 33,342 for nucleus visualization [48]. After a ultimate wash, cells have been imaged utilizing a multifunctional mobile microwell imager.


Male C57BL/6 mice, aged between eight to 10 weeks, have been procured from Jinan Pengyue Experimental Animal Breeding Co., Ltd. (Jinan, China). These particular pathogen-free (SPF) grade animals have been housed individually in cages, with unrestricted entry to meals and water. The vivarium maintained a 12-hour light-dark cycle, guaranteeing an ambient temperature of (22 ± 2) °C and a relative humidity of (50 ± 10) %. All procedures involving these animals have been performed in strict accordance with the moral requirements and tips set forth by the Yantai College Animal Care and Use Committee.

In vivo monitoring of M-Exo

DiR-stained exosomes (DiR-M-Exo) have been nebulized into C57BL/6 mice by way of the trachea. In vivo imaging periods have been performed at a number of time factors post-inhalation, particularly at 0 h, 4 h, 1 d, 3 d, 5 d, and seven d, using a Small Animal Imaging System (IVISKinetic, USA). In vitro fluorescence imaging of mouse organs was carried out to watch the retention of DiR-M-Exo in varied tissues [49].

Animal therapy with BLM and M-siTGF-β1

C57BL/6 male mice, have been anaesthetized on day 0 and handled with 1.5 mg/kg BLM answer (50 µL/mouse) by way of endotracheal nebulization of BLM dissolved in saline, and management mice have been handled with equal quantity of regular saline. Fourteen days post-BLM publicity, the mice have been randomly allotted into six distinct teams, nebulized with regular saline, M-Exo, Bare siTGF-β1, M-siNC, or M-siTGF-β1 within the trachea with the frequency of two occasions per week. The physique weight and mortality have been recorded through the experimental interval. The development of the illness was monitored by day by day monitoring of the animal’s weight and survival fee, and the mRNA degree expression of TGF-β1 was used as a profitable criterion for the detection of BLM animal fashions. On the twenty eighth day, mice have been euthanized to gather lung tissue for subsequent experiments.

Quantitative actual time-PCR

Whole RNA was remoted from cells and mice lungs using trizol (Cat. No. R0016, Beyotime, China) as beforehand reported [50,51,52]. Briefly, this concerned chloroform addition for RNA isolation, isopropanol precipitation, washing with 80% ethanol, air-drying, and resuspension in DEPC-treated water. The focus of the extracted RNA was assessed utilizing a Nanophotometer NP80 (Implen, Germany). Subsequently, For the synthesis of cDNA, the Evo M-MLV RT Package (Correct Biotechnology Co., Ltd) was utilized, adhering strictly to the producer’s directions. RT-qPCR analyses have been performed on CFX96™ Optics Module (BIO-RAD, USA) utilizing qPCR Grasp Combine (Vazyme Biotech Co., Ltd). The relative expression ranges of particular genes have been calculated utilizing the two−ΔΔCT technique. The precise primers employed are detailed in Desk 1.

Desk 1 Primer sequences used for qRT-PCR

Western blotting evaluation

Whole protein was extracted from lysed lung tissue and cell samples by way of centrifugation, adopted by separation by way of SDS-PAGE and switch onto PVDF membranes (Merck Millipore, USA). A pre-incubation step in blot blocking buffer preceded the in a single day incubation with main antibodies in opposition to a number of biomarkers related to lung perform and pathology, specifically TGF-β1 (1:1000, Abcam, UK), E-cadherin (1:1000, Bioss, China), Vimentin (1:1000, ABclonal, USA), MMP2 (1:1000, ABclonal), MMP9 (1:1000, ABclonal), COL1A1 (1:1000, cell signaling Know-how, USA), Fibronectin (1:3000, Abcam), α-Easy Muscle Actin (1:1000, ABclonal), CTGF (1:1000, Abcam), SMAD2/3 (1:1000, ABclonal), and their phosphorylated counterparts, utilizing GAPDH as a reference. The appliance of HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies and subsequent chemiluminescent detection supplied the mandatory visualization for evaluation.

Histology evaluation

Processed by way of fixation in 4% paraformaldehyde, dehydration, paraffin embedding, and precision sectioning at 5 μm, lung tissue samples have been ready for histological examination. Sections have been deparaffinized and stained with H&E, Masson’s trichrome, and Sirius pink (Solarbio, Beijing, China), then examined with the OLYMPUS BX53M microscope (Tokyo, Japan) [67].

Lung tissue sections have been dewaxed and hydrated and antigenically repaired at larger than 95 °C, adopted by a sequence of therapies with H2O2, blocking answer, and first antibodies at 4 °C for 16 h. The sections have been additional incubated with a biotinylated secondary antibody and SABC advanced, culminating in chromogenic improvement with DAB.

Hydroxyproline (HYP) content material measurement

Hydroxyproline content material throughout the samples, serving as an indicator of collagen tissue metabolism and fibrotic exercise, was quantified utilizing a hydroxyproline assay package (Solarbio, Beijing, China) [68].

Statistical evaluation

Information evaluation was carried out utilizing GraphPad Prism 8, with outcomes introduced as means ± customary error. Statistical significance was decided utilizing ANOVA and Dunnett’s take a look at for a number of comparisons, survival evaluation by way of the log-rank take a look at. Ranges of statistical significance have been denoted as *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.

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