ios – What’s the motive that the func isToday just isn’t executed appropriately?

I attempted my hand at my very own model of a calendar app. I can change the yr displayed within the overview utilizing arrow buttons. The present date is coloured purple.
Nevertheless, if I alter the yr after which swap again to the present date, the spotlight is gone. I can not work out tips on how to change this. Are you able to assist me? Right here I present you the code:

import SwiftUI

struct MonthOverviewView: View {
    @State non-public var yr: Int = Calendar.present.part(.yr, from: Date()) // Aktuelles Jahr
    @State non-public var scrollProxy: ScrollViewProxy? = nil
    @State non-public var hasScrolledToToday = false // Verhindert mehrfaches Scrollen beim Laden der View
    non-public let calendar = Calendar.present
    non-public let daysOfWeek = ["Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa", "So"]
    non-public let currentDay = Calendar.present.part(.day, from: Date())
    non-public let currentMonth = Calendar.present.part(.month, from: Date())
    non-public let currentYear = Calendar.present.part(.yr, from: Date())

    var physique: some View {
        VStack {
            // Jahresnavigation mit Heute Button
            HStack {
                Button(motion: {
                    yr -= 1
                }) {
                    Picture(systemName: "chevron.left")
                // Vermeide Tausendertrennung in der Jahreszahl
                Textual content("(String(yr))")
                Button(motion: {
                    yr += 1
                }) {
                    Picture(systemName: "chevron.proper")
                // Heute-Button für das Springen zum aktuellen Tag
                TodayButton {
                    withAnimation {
                        scrollProxy?.scrollTo("day-(currentDay)-(currentMonth)", anchor: .middle)
                    yr = currentYear
            .padding(.vertical, 10)
            // Scrollbare Monatsübersicht für das gesamte Jahr
            ScrollViewReader { proxy in
                ScrollView { 
                    VStack(spacing: 40) {
                        ForEach(1...12, id: .self) { month in
                            VStack {
                                // Monatsüberschrift
                                Textual content("(calendar.monthSymbols[month - 1])")
                                // Wochentage
                                LazyVGrid(columns: Array(repeating: GridItem(.versatile()), depend: 7), spacing: 10) {
                                    ForEach(daysOfWeek, id: .self) { day in
                                        Textual content(day)
                                            .body(maxWidth: .infinity)
                                // Tage des Monats anzeigen
                                LazyVGrid(columns: Array(repeating: GridItem(.versatile()), depend: 7), spacing: 20) {
                                    ForEach(getDaysInMonth(month: month, yr: yr), id: .self) { day in
                                        if day != 0 {
                                            VStack(alignment: .main) {
                                                // Spotlight für den aktuellen Tag durch rote Ziffer
                                                Textual content("(day)")
                                                    .font(.physique) // Kleinere Ziffern
                                                    .foregroundColor(isToday(day: day, month: month, yr: yr) ? .purple : .black)
                                                    .padding(.backside, 10) // Abstand zum unteren Bereich
                                                    .padding(.main, 5)
                                                // Platzhalter für spätere Termine, größerer Bereich
                                                    .fill(Colour.clear) // Hintergrundfarbe entfernen
                                                    .body(peak: 60) // Mehr Platz für Termine
                                            .body(minHeight: 120) // Vergrößerter Bereich für jeden Tag
                                            .border(Colour.grey.opacity(0.2), width: 1) // Dezenter Rahmen
                                            .id("day-(day)-(month)") // Eindeutige ID für jeden Tag, damit genau dorthin gescrollt werden kann
                                        } else {
                                            Colour.clear // Platzhalter für leere Felder
                    .onAppear {
                        scrollProxy = proxy // ScrollViewProxy speichern

                        // Nur einmalig beim ersten Laden der Ansicht zum aktuellen Tag scrollen
                        if !hasScrolledToToday && yr == currentYear {
                            DispatchQueue.major.async {
                                withAnimation {
                                    proxy.scrollTo("day-(currentDay)-(currentMonth)", anchor: .middle)
                                    hasScrolledToToday = true // Verhindert erneutes Scrollen beim erneuten Aufrufen der View
    // Funktion zur Berechnung der Tage des Monats
    func getDaysInMonth(month: Int, yr: Int) -> [Int] {
        let dateComponents = DateComponents(yr: yr, month: month)
        guard let firstOfMonth = dateComponents),
              let vary = calendar.vary(of: .day, in: .month, for: firstOfMonth) else {
            return []
        let numberOfDays = vary.depend
        let firstWeekday = calendar.part(.weekday, from: firstOfMonth) - 1 // Sonntag = 1, daher -1
        var days = Array(repeating: 0, depend: firstWeekday == 0 ? 6 : firstWeekday - 1) // Leerzeichen für die ersten Tage der Woche
        days += Array(1...numberOfDays)
        return days
    // Überprüft, ob der aktuelle Tag angezeigt wird
    func isToday(day: Int, month: Int, yr: Int) -> Bool {
        return day == currentDay && month == currentMonth && yr == currentYear

struct TodayButton: View {
    var motion: () -> Void
    var physique: some View {
        Button(motion: motion) {
            Textual content("button_today")
               // .font(.headline)
                .padding(.vertical, 8)
        .padding(.trailing, 10)

It doesn’t matter what I strive, once I swap again from one other yr to the present yr, the func isToday doesn’t appear to be executed and the present date is not highlighted. This all the time appears to occur once I change the yr, as a result of so long as I solely scroll up or down within the present yr, the spotlight stays when the web page is loaded for the primary time.

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