ios – We wish to use the display time API to output the suitable string to the command line when a selected software is used for five seconds

ios – We wish to use the display time API to output the suitable string to the command line when a selected software is used for five seconds

There is no such thing as a error. The results of the debug print assertion I put in is as follows, and it’s working wonderful, so I’m pondering that both it’s not being monitored correctly, or it’s being monitored however eventDidReachThreshold will not be being known as correctly.

Log beneath
Display screen Time Authority Success
Inspired apps choice up to date:
FamilyActivitySelection(includeEntireCategory: true, applicationTokens:
Set([]), categoryTokens: Set([128 bytes: *
Ô¬)3´lËN” o¨­¨ÓnbHÂ#ì
òKíL+2ñÎVø´¼9~D2mVûVåDäîÉS¬]), webDomainTokens: Set([]),
untokenizedApplicationIdentifiers: Set([]), untokenizedCategoryIdentifiers:
Set([]), untokenizedWebDomainIdentifiers: Set([]))
Organising the schedule
Present time is: 23
Began Monitoring

Supply code beneath

    `file: DataModel.swift

        import Basis
        import FamilyControls
        import ManagedSettings

        non-public let _DataModel = DataModel()

        class DataModel: ObservableObject {
            let retailer = ManagedSettingsStore()
            @Printed var selectionToDiscourage: FamilyActivitySelection
            @Printed var selectionToEncourage: FamilyActivitySelection
            init() {
                let initialApplicationTokens: Set = ["com.example.app1", "com.example.app2"]
                selectionToDiscourage = FamilyActivitySelection()
                selectionToEncourage = FamilyActivitySelection(includeEntireCategory: true)
            class var shared: DataModel {
                return _DataModel
            func setShieldRestrictions() {
                let purposes = DataModel.shared.selectionToDiscourage
                retailer.defend.purposes = purposes.applicationTokens.isEmpty ? nil : purposes.applicationTokens
                retailer.defend.applicationCategories = purposes.categoryTokens.isEmpty
                ? nil
                : ShieldSettings.ActivityCategoryPolicy.particular(purposes.categoryTokens)
    file: ScheduleModel.swift

import Basis
        import DeviceActivity
        import FamilyControls

        extension DeviceActivityName {
            static let each day = Self("each day")

        extension DeviceActivityEvent.Identify {
            static let inspired = Self("inspired")

        let schedule = DeviceActivitySchedule(
            intervalStart: DateComponents(hour: 0, minute: 0),
            intervalEnd: DateComponents(hour: 23, minute: 59),
            repeats: true

        class ScheduleModel :DeviceActivityMonitor {
            override func eventDidReachThreshold(_ occasion: DeviceActivityEvent.Identify, exercise: DeviceActivityName) {
                tremendous.eventDidReachThreshold(occasion, exercise: exercise)
                // イベントが閾値に達したときの処理
                print("Occasion (occasion.rawValue) reached threshold for exercise (exercise.rawValue)")

        //    static 
            public func setSchedule() {
                print("Organising the schedule")
                print("Present time is: ", Calendar.present.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: Date()).hour!)

        let heart = DeviceActivityCenter()
                let exercise = DeviceActivityName("MyApp.ScreenTime")
                let eventName = DeviceActivityEvent.Identify("MyApp.SomeEventName")
                let schedule2 = DeviceActivitySchedule(
                    intervalStart: DateComponents(hour: 0, minute: 0),
                    intervalEnd: DateComponents(hour: 23, minute: 59),
                    repeats: true
        //        let heart = DeviceActivityCenter()
                do {
        //            strive heart.startMonitoring(.each day, throughout: schedule, occasions: occasions)
                    strive heart.startMonitoring(exercise, throughout: schedule2, occasions: [eventName: DeviceActivityEvent(threshold: DateComponents(second: 5))])
                    print("Began Monitoring")
                } catch {
                    print("Error occured whereas began monitoring: ", error)
    file: DeviceActivityExampleApp.swift
import SwiftUI
        import FamilyControls
        import ManagedSettings

        struct DeviceActivityExampleApp: App {
            @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor non-public var appDelegate: AppDelegate
            @StateObject var mannequin = DataModel.shared
            @StateObject var retailer = ManagedSettingsStore()
            var physique: some Scene {
                WindowGroup {

        class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
            func software(_ software: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
                // 非同期タスクで authorize() メソッドを呼び出します
                Activity {
                    do {
                        strive await authorize()
                    } catch {
                        print("Authorization failed with error: (error)")
        //        ScheduleModel.setSchedule()
        //        let monitor = MyMonitor()
        //        monitor.startMonitoring()
                return true
            func authorize() async throws {
                strive await AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: .particular person)

    file: ContentView.swift
        //  ContentView.swift
        //  DeviceActivityExample

        import SwiftUI

        struct ContentView: View {
            @State non-public var isDiscouragedPresented = false
            @State non-public var isEncouragedPresented = false
            @EnvironmentObject var mannequin: DataModel
            var physique: some View {

                VStack {
                    Button("Choose Apps to Discourage") {
                        isDiscouragedPresented = true
                    .familyActivityPicker(isPresented: $isDiscouragedPresented, choice: $mannequin.selectionToDiscourage)
                    .onChange(of: mannequin.selectionToDiscourage) { newSelection in
                        print("Discouraged apps choice up to date: (newSelection)")
                    Button("Choose Apps to Encourage") {
                        isEncouragedPresented = true
                    .familyActivityPicker(isPresented: $isEncouragedPresented, choice: $mannequin.selectionToEncourage)
                    .onChange(of: mannequin.selectionToEncourage) { newSelection in
            //            DataModel.shared.setShieldRestrictions()
                        print("Inspired apps choice up to date: (newSelection)")
                        let monitor = ScheduleModel()


        struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
            static var previews: some View {

    file: information.plist

    I searched teratail, Google, and so on.
    I modified the supply code in my very own means.

    I needed to name the method when the edge was reached from DeviceActivityMonitorExtension.swift, nevertheless it didn't work, so I believed to name it as soon as in ScheduleModel.swift, however the end result was the identical.`

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