ios – URLSession backgroundSession not invoking urlSessionDidFinishEvents or handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession

ios – URLSession backgroundSession not invoking urlSessionDidFinishEvents or handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession

I’m scuffling with backgroundSession.Set capabilities to background fetch and processing, set backgroundSession with URLSessionConfiguration.background.backgroundSession?.uploadTask is nice, and func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, process: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?)` is invoked in the long run with out error. When making an attempt to check background (placing the app within the background), urlSessionDidFinishEvents(forBackgroundURLSession shouldn’t be triggered nor handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession in…

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ios – URLSession backgroundSession not invoking urlSessionDidFinishEvents or handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession

swift – react native – create location monitoring library for iOS

I’m researching on creating library for react native new arch. In the meanwhile, I’m coping with create-react-native-library to create a location monitoring lib for iOS for higher customization. I’m new to each Goal-C and Swift, so actually want your helps. My present model: create-react-native-library: 0.48.3 react-native: 0.78.0 My iOS mission already has: background location monitoring…

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ios – URLSession backgroundSession not invoking urlSessionDidFinishEvents or handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession

ios – How I deal with pending transactions

Closed. This query wants debugging particulars. It isn’t at present accepting solutions. Here is how I deal with pending transactions in my app import StoreKit import AmplitudeSwift import Optimizely class PurchaseManager: ObservableObject { // A printed property to carry obtainable merchandise @Revealed var merchandise: [Product] = [] // A printed property to trace the standing…

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ios – URLSession backgroundSession not invoking urlSessionDidFinishEvents or handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession

Xcode 16 iOS 18 compilation error with flutter built-in after updating xcode 15.4 to xcode 16

Xcode construct finished. 18.5s Did not construct iOS app Error output from Xcode construct: ↳ ** BUILD FAILED ** Xcode’s output: ↳ Writing outcome bundle at path: /var/folders/4r/xqdvxv855yn08dgf320fwsqc0000gn/T/flutter_tools.WNeTiB/flutter_ios_build_temp_dirAJFzvo/temporary_xcresult_bundle /* */ /Customers/chromosis/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: This file is about to construct for a model older than the deployment goal. Performance could also be restricted. [9] /Customers/chromosis/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning:…

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Introducing SwiftMail | Cocoanetics

Introducing SwiftMail | Cocoanetics

I’ve launched SwiftMail at this time, a light-weight open-source Swift framework designed to simplify sending and receiving emails through IMAP and SMTP. For AgentCorp, my Swift-based LLM agent framework, I wanted a approach to allow my AI brokers to learn and write emails. These brokers would work together with customers by means of electronic mail—studying…

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ios – URLSession backgroundSession not invoking urlSessionDidFinishEvents or handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession

React Native GPS Location Detection Challenge on Android & iOS

I’m engaged on location detection utilizing GPS in a React Native app. Nonetheless, I’m encountering points on each Android and iOS: Android: Works solely with actual location (ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION), not approximate (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION). iOS: The app crashes with a crimson display screen (see screenshot beneath). I’m on the lookout for finest practices to deal with GPS location…

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