ios – Unable to confirm message from signature

This file has the utility to confirm the information

#import "SignatureVerifier.h"

@implementation SignatureVerifier

- (BOOL)verifySignature:(NSString *)jsonString
  signature:(NSData *)signatureData
  hashFunction:(NSString *)hashFunction {

  // Validate enter parameters
  if (!jsonString || !signatureData || !publicKey) {
  NSLog(@"Error: Invalid enter parameters");
  return NO;

  // Convert the JSON string to knowledge (normalize if obligatory)
  NSData *jsonData = [jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
  NSLog(@"Json Information utf8: %@", jsonData);
  if (!jsonData) {
  NSLog(@"Error changing JSON string to knowledge");
  return NO;

  // Hash the JSON knowledge utilizing SHA256
  NSData *hashedData = nil;
  if ([hashFunction isEqualToString:@"SHA256"]) {
  hashedData = [self sha256HashForData:jsonData];
  NSLog(@"Hashed Information: %@", hashedData);
  } else {
  NSLog(@"Unsupported hash perform: %@", hashFunction);
  return NO;

  if (!hashedData) {
  NSLog(@"Error: Hashing failed");
  return NO;

  // Confirm the signature
  CFErrorRef error = NULL;
  BOOL consequence = SecKeyVerifySignature(
  (__bridge CFDataRef) hashedData,
  (__bridge CFDataRef) signatureData,

  if (!consequence || error) {
  if (error) {
  CFStringRef errorDescription = CFErrorCopyDescription(error);
  NSLog(@"Error verifying signature: %@", errorDescription);
  return NO;

  NSLog(@"Signature efficiently verified.");
  return YES;

- (NSData *)sha256HashForData:(NSData *)knowledge {
  if (!knowledge) {
  NSLog(@"Error: No knowledge supplied for hashing");
  return nil;

  uint8_t hash[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
  CC_SHA256(knowledge.bytes, (CC_LONG)knowledge.size, hash);

  return [NSData dataWithBytes:hash length:CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];


That is the principle file utilizing the utility.
Please take into account the opposite utility perform right as they have been checked.

#import "JSONREADER.m"
#import "KeyReader.h"
#import "SignatureVerifier.h"
#import "hex_to_data.h"

int essential(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {

        // Create an occasion of KeyReader
        KeyReader *keyReader = [[KeyReader alloc] init]; 
        // Studying public key file 
        NSString *keyFilePath = @"./crl_verify.key";
        SecKeyRef publicKey = [keyReader publicKeyFromKeyFile:keyFilePath];
        if (publicKey) {
            NSLog(@"Public key efficiently created");
            // CFRelease(publicKey);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Didn't create public key");
        JSONReader *jsonReader = [[JSONReader alloc] init];
        // Studying crl json file
        NSString *filePath = @"./crl.json";
        NSError *json_read_error = nil;
        NSDictionary *jsonContent = nil;
        jsonContent = [jsonReader readJSONFromFile:filePath error:&json_read_error];
        if (jsonContent) {
            NSLog(@"Efficiently learn JSON: %@", jsonContent);
            // Instance: Accessing a worth within the JSON dictionary
            NSString *signature = jsonContent[@"signature"];
            NSLog(@"Worth for 'key': %@", signature);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Error: %@", [json_read_error localizedDescription]);
        // Learn tbs_cert_list
        NSError *json_convert_error = nil;
        NSString *jsonString = jsonContent[@"tbs_cert_list"];
        NSData *jsonData = [jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        NSDictionary *jsonDict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData
        if (json_convert_error) {
            NSLog(@"Error deserializing JSON: %@", [json_convert_error localizedDescription]);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"tbs_cert_list JSON Dictionary: %@", jsonDict);
        NSString *signature = jsonContent[@"signature"];
        NSLog(@"Hex Signal: %@", signature);
        NSData *knowledge = [HexUtils dataFromHexString: signature];
        NSLog(@"hex_to_sign_data: %@", knowledge);
        // NSData *signatureData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:knowledge choices:0];
        NSString *signatureData = [HexUtils base64StringFromHexString: signature];
        NSLog(@"Base64 Encoded String: %@", signatureData);
        // Print parameters
        NSLog(@"Verifying signature with the next parameters:");
        NSLog(@"JSON String: %@", jsonString);
        NSLog(@"Signature Information: %@", signatureData);
        NSLog(@"Public Key: %@", publicKey);
        NSLog(@"Hash Operate: %@", @"SHA256");
        // Instantiate SignatureVerifier``your textual content``
        SignatureVerifier *verifier = [[SignatureVerifier alloc] init];
        BOOL verified = [verifier verifySignature:jsonString
        if (verified) {
            NSLog(@"Signature is legitimate!");
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Signature verification failed.");
        // Launch public key
    return 0;


So I’ve verified the information utilizing openssl and a python program which is working nice.
However I can’t confirm it on this program. What am I doing incorrect ?

This returns a failure in verification. Nevertheless, it ought to confirm the information.
The codecs and kinds appears nice as per apple doc.

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