bluetooth – Greater than a thousand processes of system_profiler till ulimit is reached

bluetooth – Greater than a thousand processes of system_profiler till ulimit is reached

I’ve discovered on my macOS that may’t launch new processes as a result of I’ve too many. The wrongdoer is that now and again a few new course of system_profiler is spawned, and no concept the place it comes from and why. I feel it spawns so many processes till it no extra are allowed:

% ps aux | grep system_profiler | wc -l

The method is like this:

me             52391   0.0  0.0 410660880   1584   ??  S     7:34PM   0:00.04 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json

Any concept tips on how to repair it? Appears associated to bluetooth.

Replace 1:

This are some logs:

% log present --predicate 'processImagePath accommodates "system_profiler"' --last 1h
Filtering the log information utilizing "processImagePath CONTAINS "system_profiler""
Skipping information and debug messages, cross --info and/or --debug to incorporate.
Timestamp                       Thread     Sort        Exercise             PID    TTL
2025-03-25 10:09:41.165290+0100 0x7cf695   Exercise    0xc2ebb0             15058  0    system_profiler: (libsystem_info.dylib) Retrieve Person by ID
2025-03-25 10:09:41.187477+0100 0x7cf695   Default     0x0                  15058  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x600001280000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:09:41.187575+0100 0x7cf696   Default     0x0                  15058  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x6000012800f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:09:41.191331+0100 0x7cf695   Default     0x0                  15058  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x6000012801e0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:09:41.222354+0100 0x7cf699   Exercise    0xc2ebc0             15059  0    system_profiler: (libsystem_info.dylib) Retrieve Person by ID
2025-03-25 10:09:41.223172+0100 0x7cf699   Default     0x0                  15059  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x600003448000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:09:41.223219+0100 0x7cf69a   Default     0x0                  15059  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x600003444000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:09:41.224166+0100 0x7cf699   Default     0x0                  15059  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x6000034440f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:09:41.544115+0100 0x7cf69b   Default     0x0                  15059  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x600003440000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:09:41.548419+0100 0x7cf69b   Default     0x0                  15059  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x600003440000] invalidated as a result of the present course of cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
2025-03-25 10:09:41.556469+0100 0x7cf69b   Default     0x0                  15059  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x6000034480f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:09:41.557173+0100 0x7cf69b   Default     0x0                  15059  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x6000034480f0] invalidated as a result of the present course of cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
2025-03-25 10:10:42.388338+0100 0x7cfcea   Exercise    0xc2fd00             15126  0    system_profiler: (libsystem_info.dylib) Retrieve Person by ID
2025-03-25 10:10:42.394131+0100 0x7cfcea   Default     0x0                  15126  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x6000004a0000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:10:42.394254+0100 0x7cfceb   Default     0x0                  15126  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x6000004a00f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:10:42.396482+0100 0x7cfcea   Default     0x0                  15126  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x6000004a8000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:10:42.411696+0100 0x7cfcef   Exercise    0xc2fd20             15127  0    system_profiler: (libsystem_info.dylib) Retrieve Person by ID
2025-03-25 10:10:42.412252+0100 0x7cfcef   Default     0x0                  15127  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x60000037c000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:10:42.412293+0100 0x7cfcf0   Default     0x0                  15127  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x60000037c0f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:10:42.413316+0100 0x7cfcef   Default     0x0                  15127  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x60000037c1e0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:10:42.489235+0100 0x7cfcf0   Default     0x0                  15127  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x60000037c2d0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:10:42.491804+0100 0x7cfcf0   Default     0x0                  15127  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x60000037c2d0] invalidated as a result of the present course of cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
2025-03-25 10:10:42.492253+0100 0x7cfcf0   Default     0x0                  15127  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x60000037c2d0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
2025-03-25 10:10:42.493836+0100 0x7cfcf0   Default     0x0                  15127  0    system_profiler: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x60000037c2d0] invalidated as a result of the present course of cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
% ps -o pid,ppid,command -ax | grep system_profiler
16629   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16663   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16696   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16731   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16768   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16801   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16839   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16875   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16909   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16948   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
16983   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17018   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17051   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17087   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17123   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17157   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17192   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17225   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17258   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17306   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17341   825 /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json
17884  6489 grep system_profiler
% ps -fp 825
  UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD
  501   825     1   0 Fri04PM ??        44:18.49 /Customers/me/Library/Software Help/iStat Menus 7/iStat Menus Menus Menubar

Appears just like the wrongdoer is iStat Menus 7.1 (2250).

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