ios – A number of freezes in assortment view

ios – A number of freezes in assortment view

I’ve assortment view with UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout. Inside my assortment I’ve objects with photos. Once I launch my app I see assortment view. And after I begin scrolling I’ve a number of freezes. However after I scrolled the all assortment, the freezes disappear. I feel that freezes are disappearing after full assortment scroll as a result of the pictures are already loaded. However how can I repair the issue in order that after launching the app and scrolling the gathering for the primary time, it doesn’t freeze?

Video to breed the issue:

There’s quite a lot of code within the app, so I posted the challenge on GitHub:

Important code:

assortment view cell

class CVCell: UICollectionViewCell, SelfConfiguringCell {
    func configure(with merchandise: Merchandise) {
        title.textual content = merchandise.title
        textView.backgroundColor = UIColor(merchandise.backgroundColor)
        textView.layer.borderColor = UIColor(merchandise.borderColor).cgColor
        titleImageView.picture = UIImage(named: merchandise.titleImage)
        imageView.picture = UIImage(named: merchandise.picture)

assortment controller

class CVController: UIViewController, UICollectionViewDelegate {
    var collectionView: UICollectionView!
    var dataSource: UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource
? let sections = Bundle.predominant.decode([Section].self, from: "img1.json") func createDataSource() { dataSource = UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource
(collectionView: collectionView) { collectionView, indexPath, merchandise in swap self.sections[indexPath.section].identifier { case "carouselCell": let cell = self.configure(CarouselCell.self, with: merchandise, for: indexPath) return cell default: return self.configure(CarouselCell.self, with: merchandise, for: indexPath) } } } func configure(_ cellType: T.Kind, with merchandise: Merchandise, for indexPath: IndexPath) -> T { guard let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: cellType.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? T else { fatalError("(cellType)") } cell.configure(with: merchandise) return cell } func reloadData() { var snapshot = NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot
() snapshot.appendSections(sections) for part in sections { snapshot.appendItems(part.merchandise, toSection: part) } dataSource?.apply(snapshot) } func setupCollectionView() { collectionView = UICollectionView(body: view.bounds, collectionViewLayout: createCompositionalLayout()) collectionView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight] collectionView.isScrollEnabled = false collectionView.delegate = self collectionView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .by no means view.addSubview(collectionView) collectionView.register(CarouselCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: CarouselCell.reuseIdentifier) createDataSource() reloadData() } func createCompositionalLayout() -> UICollectionViewLayout { UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout { (sectionIndex: Int, layoutEnvironment: NSCollectionLayoutEnvironment) -> NSCollectionLayoutSection? in let itemSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize(widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1), // heightDimension: .fractionalHeight(1)) // let merchandise = NSCollectionLayoutItem(layoutSize: itemSize) let groupWidth = (layoutEnvironment.container.contentSize.width * 1.05)/3 let groupSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize(widthDimension: .absolute(groupWidth), // heightDimension: .absolute(groupWidth)) // let group = NSCollectionLayoutGroup.horizontal(layoutSize: groupSize, subitems: [item]) let part = NSCollectionLayoutSection(group: group) part.contentInsets = NSDirectionalEdgeInsets( prime: (layoutEnvironment.container.contentSize.peak/2) - (groupWidth/2), main: 0, backside: 0, trailing: 0) part.interGroupSpacing = 64 part.orthogonalScrollingBehavior = .groupPagingCentered part.contentInsetsReference = .none part.visibleItemsInvalidationHandler = { (objects, offset, setting) in objects.forEach { merchandise in let distanceFromCenter = abs((merchandise.body.midX - offset.x) - setting.container.contentSize.width / 2.0) let minScale: CGFloat = 0.7 let maxScale: CGFloat = 1.1 let scale = max(maxScale - (distanceFromCenter / setting.container.contentSize.width), minScale) merchandise.remodel = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scale, y: scale) } } return part } } func reloadItem(indexPath: IndexPath) { guard let needReloadItem = dataSource!.itemIdentifier(for: indexPath) else { return } var snapshot = NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot
() snapshot.appendSections(sections) for part in sections { snapshot.appendItems(part.merchandise, toSection: part) } dataSource?.apply(snapshot) snapshot.reloadItems([needReloadItem]) dataSource?.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: false) } }

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